Let the games begin!

Let the games begin!
Are you guys ready for your first GamePoint Summer Games Event? It's an easy one! All you have to do is collect as many 3-hourly gifts as possible. If the entire GamePoint community reaches 1,100,000 Gifts collected. We will reward everyone with 48 hours of 2-hourly gifts.

On your marks, Get set! Go! Because starting right now, 6AM EST (11:00 UK), you have 48 hours to collect your 3-hourly gift as many times as you can!

Don't forget that you can easily claim your gifts by downloading our mobile games. Click here to see all of our Android-games and here for our iOS-games.

Go for the Gold and collect your 3-hourly gifts!

Play Bingo!

BabyPitbull -
Is it possible to get a counter on screen (gamepoint bar top)that shows us how far we are with collecting to reach your goal of 1.100.000 collected gifts?
AidaGP -
At the moment, it's not possible because it would simply go too fast. Though I can share that as of this comment that I'm typing now, there's at least 584,096 gifts collected! Great job everyone!
LynnMolinski -
this site is a joke for days i was getting 20 coins instead of 30 and i play hours a day on here
Vidia_S - 9 August, 2016 2:57 AM
You have to log in at least once a day to continue receiving 30 free coins. If you miss a day, it goes back to the beginning.
AidaGP -
Hi Lynn, Vidia is correct here. Everyone receives a bonus for collecting their free Coins on consecutive days (with the bonus being the highest on 7 consecutive days). So when you miss a day (in your case, it was July 30th), the bonus gets reset.

An easy way to always grab your Coins is to have Bingo (for example) on your phone. Whether you play or not, you can always hop in and claim your Coins.
LizK35 -
How do I collect coins I won in Word Tornado?
AidaGP -
Hi Liz, all winnings (provided that you for sure saw your player name announced as a winner) are always automatically added to your wallet. You can check in your wallet and see your recent games and Coins
AidaGP -
Pro tip! You can collect both your Coin and Slot Coin gifts, and they count on their own (so that's two gifts). Even if you don't play Slots, just collecting the free Slot Coins goes towards the end goal! (and who knows, maybe you'll give it a spin )
kgrace1 -
thank you gamepoint. could not be on yesterday for event. So Sad.
nazzzii -
did we do it yet
AidaGP -
Still a few hours left as of this comment. We're close (1.04 million, we need 1.1 million), but still need that last push! GO TEAM!
CamilleSpau -
nazzzii -
cant u make it for atleast a week instead of just 48hrs