We need YOU for RoyalDice!

We need YOU for RoyalDice!
RoyalDice fans, we need you to be part of our latest update to our app for RoyalDice on smartphones! We heard your feedback about your experiences playing on smartphones, so we'd like you to help us test out our newest version.

If you have an Android smartphone, then click here to sign up immediately with your Google account that's connected to your phone. If you have an iPhone, then click here so you also can receive an invitation to try it out.

With your help and feedback, we'll be working together to make it perfect before it's launched to everyone. We hope to see you there!

Start playing in our open beta now!

LolitaWon -
will the english get the sale that deutchland got yesterday?thanks
edsbrat - 28 Agosto, 2016 11:06
I'm in. Would love to have Battle Solitaire o android and my iPad. Please. Thank you for for choosing me as VIP of the week.
kgrace1 -
Don't play , But, Thanks anyway.
spoffy -
would love if you could fix it so those of us who play on the gp site can actually play it. We have been waitng for years now. Sadly I am playing more else whre as you seem to show no interest to make about a 10 minute fix. You guys have named it the spoffy project. lol